“Since your mind is to hold images of something, hold images of high ideals.” Mary Morrissey
As women, we often face challenges in managing a family while balancing work demands, coworkers, or direct reports. If you overanalyze what’s wrong or missing in your life, it might be easy to get emotionally down.
You can’t overcome typical or atypical difficulties by focusing on the negative. Do you ever feel the need to commiserate with a comrade in arms when you’re feeling down? It doesn’t take long before you both heap grievances upon one another after discovering another disgruntled companion. As the conversation continues, you accuse your employer of even more things than you started!
You may feel great about the discussion at the moment. Taking the company to task for its behavior may even seem justified. However, the bad news is that you leave the conversation feeling hopeless, which could cripple your productivity! Not to mention, you probably wasted valuable time in the process.
It’s essential to acknowledge problems because complications happen.
Instead of wasting the energy complaining with no energy added toward solving problems, you’ve wasted time and energy. Acknowledge the problem, then use the daydreaming portion of your brain to imagine a better future. Then use the analytical part of your brain to build a path to that better future.
You’ll need to discipline yourself to believe that you, combined with your creative mind and intuition, are more significant than most problems you face.
Imagine powerful solution-based images and questions in your mind, then watch your inventive energy flow.
Do you define the moment, or does the moment define you?
Practice the art of imagining a better future and way, then use that imaginative power to solve problems.
Discern that during difficult times you can access inventive power.
Your whole outlook and productivity can change as a result of this knowledge. Having a positive attitude will enable you to respond in an inspired manner.
Take a deep breath and imagine the best.
Do you define the moment, or does the moment define you?
Holding positive, ideal images in your mind puts you in the driver’s seat.